Madison Twp.
3 Parcels - Parcel 1 (80 acres - all bare ground) in Section 9, Parcel 2 (73 acres - all bare ground) in Section 20 and Parcel 3(315 acre - all bare ground) in Sections 21& 22.
Palmyra Twp.
Section 28, 126 acres, 108 tillable. To be sold as 3 separate parcels. Productive tillable acres & prime hunting ground. 2 BR small farm house & barns included with sale “as-is”.
Palmyra Twp.
Section 19 & 20, approximately 401 contiguous acres, 358 tillable acres. All bare ground, houses excluded. Frontage on Carlton Rd., Ogden Hwy. & Etter Rd.
Seneca Township
Section 26, 160 acres. 127 tillable, 29 woods & wetland. Remaining acreage lot & fence rows. Productive tillable acres & prime hunting ground. Parcel includes 2 story farmhouse, 3 barns with concrete floor & foundation, other outbuildings included.
Seneca Twp.
Section 4, approximately 140 acres, 77 tillable acres, approximately 63 acres of woods. Productive tillable acres and prime hunting ground.
Adrian Township
Section 2 farm ground on Shepherd Rd. 71tillable acres, 4.5 wooded acres. House and Lot NOT included.